Poster of 1963 film The Cool World, directed by Shirley Clarke.

Two long-running obsessions of mine:

Watching movies and making lists. This wing of my website is dedicated to color-coded lists of my favorite films, organized by decade: 2020s, 2010s, 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, and the Silent Era.

Like other online cinephiles, I have copied the format here from filmmaker and critic Dan Sallitt, who hosts a wonderful website of his own. Sallitt’s color-coding method is an attractive, loose way to signal strata of favor, while also allowing one to easily compare films from different years. Most years will also feature titles at the bottom in unordered lists, which may indicate an “honorable mention,” an earlier favorite that I need to revisit, or an otherwise interesting work I would like to highlight.

For a more unvarnished view of my film viewing habits, see my Letterboxd profile, which I have assiduously kept since 2014.

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Last update: 09/04/2024