Recent Writing


  • “Meaning in the Margins: Boutique Distribution and the Contemporary Art House Film Market,” Doctoral Dissertation, UW-Madison, 2024. Link.

  • “Stream of Rivals: Licensing Coalitions and Art House Film Streaming Platforms,” Media Industries, Forthcoming 2025.

  • Two Friends: Circumstances of a Historic Feminist Collaboration,” ReFocus: The Films of Jane Campion. Edinburgh University Press, 2023. Link.


In September 2024, Matt St. John and I wrote an accessible analysis of the current state of U.S. indie film distribution and exhibition for David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson’s Observations on Film Art blog.

Recent film criticism include UW-Cinematheque essays on the following programs:

For more contemporary media industry analysis, see my Playback articles on Netflix’s international film acquisitions and on Martin Scorsese vs. Marvel.

Still from 1986 film TWO FRIENDS, directed by Jane Campion.


Recent copywriting include the following: